Question 1

1. As discussed in class, please provide three reasons why visuals are important to web content. Please ensure you go into detail for each item. (6 Marks) 

There are multiple reasons and statistical justifications for why visuals are important to web content. The following three reasons stand out to me personally.

  1. Visuals are quickly understood and stick in long-term memory compared to written content. 

As humans, our brains are much more likely to store something in our long-term memory bank if we have some sort of visual aspect to attach it to. We can also comprehend visual imagery at an incredibly higher rate (x60,000) than written content, showing that including visuals in your web content guarantees a better and more common recollection of your content among web users/consumers.

Not only are they more likely to notice and understand your brand’s visuals, but they are also much more likely to remember them in the future which may make them return and make a purchase. Visual content is simply more effective than written content in most instances. It tells a story much quicker and makes sure it sticks as well.

  1. Visual Content triggers emotion within viewers.

Since our brains comprehend visual content at such a high pace, we are also subject to being much more heavily affected by our emotions when it comes to visuals versus written content. Our visual memory is linked directly to attaching an emotional response to anything we see on a day-to-day basis. Because of this, using visuals to replace/accompany written content can leave a much more heavily emotional impression on viewers, allowing them to attach themselves to the brand or the content. 

To add, portraying something that will likely trigger negative emotions is seen to be more effective than positive emotions. This allows brands to use tactics such as scarcity and fear to move them along the sales funnel.

  1. Visuals have been statistically proven to be extremely beneficial to digital content.

Since we understand visuals quicker than written copy, we remember them more, and we are more emotionally affected by them, it comes as no surprise that there is a large amount of data that shows that they are essential to good digital content! Imagery gets 94% more views than text-based information. We move fast online, and visuals are more likely to catch someone’s attention. 

It has also been proven that including infographics on a site increases web traffic by 12% and that using images results in 100% more engagement on a site. The science behind this has facts to back it up, showing how visuals are not only important to web content, they are ESSENTIAL. The majority of the population are visual learners, so not including images, or including the wrong ones, can be extremely detrimental to a brand or its content.


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