Part B Question 6

6. Create a headline for an article about this program targeted to graduating high school students. I am specifically not telling you what to do or the questions that need to be asked. Please explain what you did, why and any other reasons/justifications you need to provide to me for the headline you created. (6 Marks)

To create my headline, I used ChatGPT as in Part A Question 4 it states that we are generating this one: 

“From the (ChatGPT) headlines you generated, select one of each that you will use. IMPORTANT – you will be required to generate one for Part B as well – this is just for this section.”  

I grabbed my final prompt from question iv and put it into ChatGPT to create 20 more headlines for this program. The prompt I used was: 

“Generate 20 headlines for an article promoting St. Clair College’s advertising and marketing program. Make sure to use numbers in every single headline. Some of the program’s notable benefits are that it has an extremely high job rate for graduates, up-to-date class content that evolves with the world around it, and classes that cover all bases of an advertising/marketing agency. The article’s target market is people aged 18-20 who graduate high school at the end of the year. Use plain language and shift the focus of the headline toward the fact that they graduate soon. Keep in mind that the article may not be written by the College itself. Use powerful adjectives where applicable.” 

The headline I selected from this group was: 

“Don’t Wait! 8 Compelling Reasons to Enroll in St. Clair College’s Marketing Program Now” 

I selected this headline as it: 

  • Used a number 
  • Promised deliverables 
  • Spoke to the target audience 
  • Used a power word (compelling) 
  • Used the elements of urgency and scarcity (“Don’t Wait!”) 

 All these factors are essential to a great headline, and the one I generated is proof of that. 


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